FL DUI Dismissed: Best Defenses How to Fight & Get Out of a DUI Offense Case in Florida – 2024

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FL DUI Dismissed: Best Defenses How to Fight & Get Out of a DUI Offense Case in Florida – 2024

Proven Strategies to Get Out of First Offense DUI Case in FL

A first-time DUI offender in Florida may have a lowered or dismissed charge if they: 

  • Are a first-time criminal offender
  • Did not cause accidents or damages
  • Have insufficient evidence for the initial charge
  • Have key evidence for the initial charge that is inadmissible
  • Have errors in the DUI test
  • Have the victim recant their testimony
  • Have a plea bargain
  • Have completed a state-approved intervention program

Other factors that can help a DUI case be dismissed include: 

  • A violation of rights
  • A judge approves a motion to dismiss
  • The details of the arrest provide a creative criminal defense
  • Misleading statements made by a police officer

Case Example: Our client, a first-time offender, pulled over for weaving, refused a breathalyzer due to a medical condition. Our lawyer presented medical documentation and challenged the officer’s observations, resulting in a dismissal of all charges and a clean driving record.

A pre-trial motion can be filed after the preliminary hearing but before the case goes to trial. This is when an attorney can petition to keep some evidence out of the trial. 

Under 2024 state law, Florida requires a person to complete a state-approved DUI program. To get a local first offense DUI case dismissed, proof of completing the program will need to be shown. 

How to Get a Breathalyzer Refusal Offense Dismissed in Florida

Here are some of the most effective ways to get a breathalyzer refusal offense dismissed in Florida: 

  • Enter a diversion program. This can reduce DUI charges to reckless driving charges, which can lead to a record expungement.
  • Appeal the DUI refusal offense. A DUI lawyer can help appeal the refusal charge or license suspension if they can show that the arresting officer violated your rights or lacked probable cause. This could include not reading you your Miranda rights.
  • Request a blood test. If you think you are innocent or below legal limits, you can request a blood test instead of a breathalyzer.
  • Review the arrest information. If the driver’s arrest information shows that the proper test standards were not followed, the breathalyzer or blood test refusal offense can be thrown out of court.
  • Use the confusion doctrine. If you are confused by the Miranda warning mixing with the implied consent warning, the refusal can be thrown out of court.

Case Example: Our client, asthmatic, refused a breathalyzer due to breathing difficulties. The lawyer presented medical documentation and challenged the officer’s lack of alternative testing methods, resulting in a reduced charge of reckless driving and no breathalyzer refusal penalties.

If the administrative suspension for refusing the breath, blood, or urine test is not invalidated, you can get a hardship license. For the first DUI refusal, you must serve 90 days without a driver’s license or permit before eligibility for hardship reinstatement. 

A Board Certified local DUI defense attorney can help beat a DUI refusal in Florida in many cases, but the chances of success are drastically increased by utilizing their free legal advice as soon as possible after a recent arrest.

Best Free Legal Help for a DUI in Florida While on Vacation to Get Charges Dropped

If you receive a DUI charge while on vacation in Florida from out of state, you can contact a top local DUI defense attorney with FightDUICharges for free attorney advice that can help you: 

  • Understand Florida’s DUI laws
  • Negotiate plea agreements
  • Reduce charges
  • Prevent license suspension
  • Negotiate lesser charges or alternative penalties
  • Get the charges dismissed

Pre-trial diversion (PTD) may also be an option. If the offense qualifies for PTD, your attorney may represent you in certain matters without you being present if you waive your presence in writing. If you successfully complete your PTD, your DUI charges will be dismissed. 

Case Example: Our client, visiting Florida on business, got a DUI. The lawyer negotiated a deferred adjudication program, avoiding a conviction and allowing the charge to be dismissed after a period of good behavior, protecting their driving record in their home state.

What Happens When You Get a DUI in Florida While on Vacation From Out of State?

Florida’s Driver License Compact (DLC) means that a DUI on vacation is treated as if it happened in your home state. This means that your license may be suspended in your home state, or you may face an arrest warrant if you don’t appear in court in Florida. 

If you are charged with a DUI in Florida, you will immediately have your license suspended. You have 10 days from the date of your arrest to request a temporary driving permit, which will allow you to drive for work, school, or medical purposes.

A DUI commonly results in a driver’s license suspension for six months to a year and mandatory substance abuse treatment program participation. This is another key reason why it is so essential to get the best free FL DUI help early in a case to knock down the charges, so a license suspension can be avoided in time before the mandatory revocation takes effect.

Florida offers programs to reduce your charges or avoid conviction, which can often be of enormous help and relief for out of state DUI offenders. If the judge dismisses the charges or reduces them to reckless or careless driving, you could seek expungement later. 

In Conclusion

Don’t Let the Cost of Florida DUI Defense Stop You From Getting Top Legal Help

Choosing to fight a local DUI case to get thrown out doesn’t have to drain your finances. FightDUICharges experienced local DUI attorneys are Board Certified experts in this field of FL law, and offer inexpensive representation and 24 hour free DUI help with an arrest review.

Remember, a skilled DUI lawyer can be your best investment, potentially saving you thousands in fines, license suspensions, and future career repercussions. Don’t let cost deter you from getting the best defense possible to beat the charges and protect your future.

Take control of your situation and reclaim your peace of mind. Contact FightDUICharges today for a free local DUI attorney consultation and discuss your specific case with a top-rated, affordable Florida DUI lawyer who is open now and on call 24 hours daily to immediately help fight for a reduction of charges or case dismissal.

2 thoughts on “FL DUI Dismissed: Best Defenses How to Fight & Get Out of a DUI Offense Case in Florida – 2024”

  1. I was pulled over accused of swerving making a police officer go off road. The police officer lied on the report saying i took a urine test in a facility but truth is i took a urine test on side of the road while being on my monthly, and then I took 2 sobriety tests. I was then arrested for DUI and taken in for the blow test.

    While at the blow center the lady officer that was with me the whole time walked me to the ladies room with a cup and suggested that i already took the urine test at the arrest site and if there’s that possibility that i didn’t have to go. Of course i said no. After i was booked for DUI the officer held up my Paypal card and asked if i wanted him to bond me out with the card. I said yes.

    When i got released and got to my property they gave me a check for approx. 79 dollars. When i got arrested they went thru my truck and took my cash of $280. At the time the officer bonded me using my card on receipt it said $542 was taken out. There was approx. $700 on the card. I tried using my card righe after release and there was no funds left. In the report it said the police officer identified me by my license. The court dates went to where my Paypal card was delivered not what address was on my license.

  2. Cop say I refused breathalyzers test, but put down that I blew 1.7 BAC after repeated blowing on record per police report. Also, the cop says he stopped sobriety test for my safety. He had me raise one foot in a clump of grass, shook his head, then immediately another cop came with breath test.

    I blew multiple times, told cop “Jesus do u got this on camera, because do u guys know how many cops and people get killed on side of the road? So if u are gonna arrest me, arrest me already.” They took me to jail and say I refused to blow.


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