Under 21 DUI Defense for a Minor: How to Get Out of a Juvenile Underage DUI Case

Underage DUI charges can result in serious criminal penalties. In 2024, most states today have a zero tolerance law for underage drinking and driving. 

Here are some potential defenses to beat an underage DUI charge:

  • Challenge the traffic stop that led to contact with law enforcement
  • Challenge the prosecutor that there was no probable cause to believe an underage person has alcohol in their system 

Some courts may have DUI diversion programs that allow defendants to plea to a lesser charge or get their charges dismissed if certain conditions are met.

Underage DUI Defense: Your Game Plan to Beat the Charges

Facing an underage DUI charge can feel like a losing battle, but don’t despair. With the right knowledge and a skilled lawyer, you can significantly increase your chances of minimizing the impact.

This guide, based on expert insights and real-world strategies, will equip you with the knowledge to fight for the best possible outcome. Remember, consulting a qualified DUI lawyer with a free arrest review online is crucial for your immediately helping with your specific case.

Top Key Defenses for Getting Out of an Underage DUI Case

2024 underage DUI laws are strict, but there are potent defenses available. Here are some battle-tested strategies your lawyer will explore:

1. Stop the Clock: Challenge the Stop’s Legality

Was the initial traffic stop that led to your arrest justified? If not, any evidence obtained after (field sobriety tests, breathalyzer results) might be thrown out. Your lawyer will meticulously analyze the stop’s details, looking for potential violations like:

  • Lack of probable cause: Did the officer have a legitimate reason to pull you over?
  • Improper procedures: Were your rights explained clearly, and were searches conducted lawfully?

2. Field Sobriety Tests: Outsmart the Gauntlet

These tests are subjective and prone to errors. Factors like nerves, fatigue, or medical conditions can impact your performance. Your lawyer will:

  • Examine administration: Was the officer properly trained and certified? Were the instructions clear and consistent?
  • Analyze scoring: Were any mistakes made in scoring or interpreting your performance?
  • Explore alternatives: Could your performance be explained by other factors like fatigue or medication?

3. Chemical Testing: Scrutinize the Evidence

Breathalyzers and blood tests can be inaccurate due to various factors. Your lawyer can:

  • Challenge the results: Were the devices calibrated correctly? Was the testing conducted accurately and according to protocol?
  • Question the device’s reliability: Are there documented issues with the specific device used?
  • Explore alternative explanations: Could external factors like mouthwash or medication have skewed the results?

4. Age Verification: Double-Check the Details

In rare cases, age verification errors might occur. Your lawyer will meticulously review:

  • ID verification: Was your ID checked accurately and thoroughly?
  • Date of birth: Are there any discrepancies in your documented date of birth?
  • Witness statements: Can witnesses corroborate your age at the time of the incident?

5. Beyond the Obvious: Exploring Alternative Explanations

Were there other factors, like:

  • Medication: Could prescribed medication have impacted your performance or caused a false positive?
  • Medical conditions: Could a medical condition explain your behavior or symptoms?
  • Unknowingly consumed alcohol: Did you unknowingly ingest something containing alcohol, like mouthwash or cough syrup?

Exploring these possibilities can strengthen your defense and provide alternative explanations for your situation.


  • Stay silent: Do not discuss the incident with anyone except your lawyer.
  • Protect your rights: Politely decline to answer questions beyond basic identifying information.
  • Be honest with your lawyer: Every detail, even seemingly unfavorable, can be crucial.

Beyond Defenses: Additional Strategies to Consider

While the above focuses on defenses, here are additional strategies your lawyer might explore:

  • Diversion Programs: Some states offer programs that, upon completion, can lead to reduced charges or dismissal.
  • Community Service: Demonstrating remorse and responsibility through community service can positively impact sentencing.
  • Apology: While not a defense, a sincere apology to the court can show remorse and accountability.

Using the free legal help of an arrest review with a top local DUI lawyer specializing in underage cases is vital for navigating your specific situation and exploring the best defense strategies.

Finding the proper underage DUI defense that works early enough will ensure to keep a minor’s record clear for the future, and leave this mistake in the past where it belongs.

Under 21 DUI Defense, 2024 – Additional Underage DUI Law References:


1 thought on “Under 21 DUI Defense for a Minor: How to Get Out of a Juvenile Underage DUI Case”

  1. Hi my names Stephanie and I’m A college student with a DWI and I’m looking for help on how to get it dismissed I currently have two lawyers and they have done nothing and I really need someone who can help me.


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