What to do for a Super Extreme DUI Arrest Charge Offense Getting Reduced or Dismissed

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You can fight a super extreme DUI charge by arguing that your blood alcohol content (BAC) was lower when you were driving than when you were arrested. You can also try to explain why your BAC was 0.20% or more, possibly by using a technicality defense challenging the validity of the breath test accuracy. 

Proven defenses to get local extreme DUI charges dropped or dismissed include:

  • Evidence of good driving techniques
  • Alternative explanations for physical symptoms
  • Prejudicial variables in the field sobriety test
  • Flaws in the calibration or administration of the breathalyzer or chemical test
  • Important evidence, such as lab results from blood testing, can be suppressed
  • The officer doesn’t have probable cause for the initial reason of the stop to suspect you were driving under the influence

Ideally, the best-case scenario is that the officer(s) didn’t collect enough evidence against you or made procedural, technological, or legal errors. 

A DUI defense attorney in the area can help reduce or possibly throw out the charges. Depending on the facts of your case, you may want to go to trial or seek a plea agreement with reduced charges and penalties.

In Arizona, a super extreme DUI is commonly referred to as ARS 28-1382A2. It is the most serious misdemeanor DUI allegation and carries harsh 2024 penalties and consequences. A minimum jail time of 45 days is required if convicted, but the circumstances of your arrest may result in additional charges.

A free arrest review helps find the best super extreme DUI defenses that work to get charges reduced or a case dismissed in Arizona. When affordability of a lawyer for extreme charges is an issue for a person, Board Certified local affordable DUI attorneys can provide immediate free legal help and some top law firms in the area may offer pro bono DUI defense services.

Facing a Super Extreme DUI? Here’s Your Expert Playbook to Fight the Charges

A Super Extreme DUI (SEDUI), often with a BAC exceeding 0.20%, throws you into a legal whirlwind. Panic sets in, and the potential consequences – hefty fines, jail time, and lost driving privileges – seem unbearable.

Even in this seemingly bleak situation, there’s hope. As Arizona Board Certified DUI attorneys who have navigated countless SEDUI cases, our top-rated lawyers are here to empower you with a battle plan, drawn from real-world experience, to maximize your chances of a reduced charge or dismissal.

This local SEDUI defense guide is a legal roadmap equipping you with crucial knowledge and empowers you to make informed decisions for the highest odds of case-winning success.

Step 1: Secure a DUI Champion – It’s Not a Fight You Face Alone

This is your lifeline. An experienced DUI attorney isn’t just someone who fills out forms. They’re a gladiator in the courtroom, intimately familiar with SEDUI complexities. They’ll:

  • Scrutinize the prosecution’s case: They’ll dissect every aspect, searching for weaknesses in the BAC reading, stop procedure, or any other element.
  • Explore every defense angle: From challenging the BAC accuracy to uncovering errors in field sobriety tests, they’ll leave no stone unturned.
  • Negotiate relentlessly: They’ll leverage their expertise and understanding of local laws to advocate for the best possible outcome.

Don’t settle for just any lawyer. Seek someone who specializes in DUI defense, has a proven track record of handling local SEDUI cases, and, most importantly, inspires confidence and trust. Remember, this is your advocate, your voice in the legal maze.

Step 2: Know Your Defenses – Become an Active Participant in Your Defense

While every case is unique, here are some common defenses in SEDUI cases:

  • Challenging the BAC: Procedural errors, faulty equipment, or improper blood draw procedures can cast doubt on the BAC’s accuracy.
  • Challenging the stop: If the police lacked probable cause to pull you over, the entire case, including the BAC evidence, might be thrown out.
  • Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions can mimic intoxication symptoms, potentially explaining your behavior.
  • Consent issues: If you didn’t voluntarily consent to field sobriety tests or a breathalyzer, the results might be inadmissible.

Empower yourself with knowledge. Research these defenses, but remember, your lawyer is the expert. Share any relevant details about your case that might support these defenses. Every piece of information is crucial.

Step 3: Be Proactive – Every Action Can Make a Difference

While your lawyer strategizes, don’t be a passive bystander. Be proactive:

  • Gather evidence: Witness statements, dashcam footage, medical records – anything that strengthens your case is valuable.
  • Maintain a clean record: Avoid alcohol altogether and demonstrate responsible behavior. This shows the court you’re taking the situation seriously.
  • Stay informed: Communicate openly with your lawyer. Ask questions, understand the process, and be prepared for the journey ahead.

Step 4: Prepare for the Marathon, Not the Sprint

SEDUI cases are rarely quick resolves. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient, trust the process, and stay focused on the ultimate goal. Your lawyer will guide you through every step, but understanding the potential timeline helps manage expectations.

A Glimpse of Hope – A Real-Life Super Extreme DUI Reduction Example

A recent client, Stefanie, facing a SEDUI charge with a BAC of 0.24%. Devastated, she considered pleading guilty. But then, she consults an attorney.

Together, they discover the arresting officer failed to properly administer field sobriety tests. This raises doubt about probable cause, invalidating the BAC evidence to be used against her in court.

Through strategic negotiation, her lawyer secured a plea deal reducing the charge to a standard DUI, saving Stefanie from significant jail time and hefty fines.

Stefanie’s story is a testament to the power of a well-crafted defense. Remember, even in the face of a seemingly insurmountable charge, there’s always a chance to win a recent SEDUI case.

By taking action, securing the right advocate, and understanding your best defense options with a free arrest review, you empower yourself to fight to get out of a Super Extreme DUI case with charges dropped or thrown out with the highest odds of success.

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