How to Fight to Get a DWI Dismissed in Texas

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How to Fight to Get a DWI Dismissed in Texas

Being charged with a DWI in Texas is a serious matter. If convicted under current 2024 state laws, you could face a variety of penalties, including fines, jail time, ignition interlock device, and a suspended driver’s license.

As Board Certified top DWI attorneys in Texas, we have seen firsthand the devastating impact that even a first time offense DWI conviction can have on a person’s life. That’s why every experienced lawyer at FightDUICharges is committed to helping people fight and beat their DWI charge, regardless of what they can afford.

Here are some of the top defense strategies that preeminent lawyers in Texas use to get a DWI case dismissed:

Erratic Driving Does Not Equal DWI

Just because you were driving erratically does not mean you were driving under the influence. There are many other reasons why someone might drive erratically, such as being distracted, tired, or sick.

Your DWI attorney can help you challenge the prosecution’s evidence of erratic driving and show that it does not prove you were intoxicated by alcohol or drugs.

Breathalyzer Accuracy

Breathalyzer tests are not always accurate. There are a number of factors that can affect the results of a breathalyzer test, including:

  • Malfunctioning equipment
  • Improper handling of the equipment
  • Medical conditions such as GERD or diabetes
  • Environmental factors such as radio frequency interference

If you believe that your breathalyzer results were inaccurate, your lawyer can challenge them in court.

15-Minute Observation Period

Texas law requires law enforcement officers to observe you for at least 15 minutes before administering a breathalyzer test. This is to ensure that you do not eat, drink, or smoke anything that could interfere with the accuracy of the test.

If the officer did not observe you for the full 15 minutes, your lawyer can argue that the breathalyzer results should be suppressed.

Similar Symptoms of DWI Are Not An Indicator

There are a number of symptoms that can be associated with DWI, such as red eyes, slurred speech, and a flushed face. However, these symptoms can also be caused by other factors, such as allergies, illness, or fatigue.

Your lawyer can help you challenge the prosecution’s evidence of these symptoms and show that they do not prove you were intoxicated.

Improper Field Sobriety Test

Field sobriety tests are not always accurate. They can be difficult to perform, and even sober people can fail them.

If you were asked to perform field sobriety tests and failed, your lawyer may be able to argue that the results should be suppressed due to officer error or other factors.

Find an Experienced Local DWI Attorney

If you have been charged with a DWI in Texas, it is important to contact an experienced and affordable local DWI attorney as soon as possible.

A good DWI lawyer’s free legal advice can help you understand your charges and develop a strong defense strategy that will have the best chances at getting your DWI case dismissed quickly.

How the Highest-Rated Cheap DWI Lawyer Nearby Can Help Get Charges Reduced or Dismissed Even When You Think Can’t Afford a Top Local DWI Lawyer

Even if you think you can’t afford a top local lawyer for a DWI charge, there are a number of ways to get inexpensive or free legal help.

Many of the best Texas DWI lawyers offer cheap payment plans and other financing options. Additionally, there are a number of local legal aid organizations that can provide free attorneys or low-cost legal assistance to people who qualify.

Don’t let cost prevent you from getting the legal representation you need to fight your DWI charges. A good DWI lawyer can help you get your charges reduced to a less serious offense or dismissed, even if you think your case is hopeless.


Texas Penal Code – § 49.04 for DWI requires the prosecution to prove that a person was driving while intoxicated by alcohol or drugs beyond a reasonable doubt. There are many DWI blood test inaccuracies and police report error defenses that can get evidence suppressed and a DWI dismissed.

Using legal technicalities of the arrest early to get a case thrown out in court fast, is truly the best way how to get out of and beat a DWI in Texas.

How can a DWI be dismissed in Texas - DWI Defense TX 2024

If you have been charged with a DWI in Texas, it is important to remember that you have rights to a top local legal defense. You do not have to plead guilty just because you think you can’t afford a top DWI attorney in the area, and you do have a chance to fight your charges for a case dismissal.

Contact an experienced DWI lawyer today for free legal advice about your specific case options, and develop a strong defense strategy that will have the best chances of having the charges dropped or thrown out.

DWI TX 2024 – Texas DMV License, Law References:

Texas Constitution and Statutes – Penal Code § 49.04

DWI in Texas

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